Health & Wellbeing

Ho’oponopono Healing

2024-02-24T12:11:28+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Ho'oponopono Healing Ready to activate a deeper healing in your life for yourself and those you love? Ho'oponopono healing helps people to deal with traumatic past events, destructive thought patterns, family dynamics, daily annoyances, or any other disagreeable event in your life, from traffic jams to relationship break-ups. Ho'oponopono healing is a simple

Shamanic Unbinding Ritual

2024-02-23T12:23:35+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Shamanic Unbinding Ritual of Release - Binding Removal The ritual of Shamanic Unbinding control (Binding removal) deconstructs negatively bound etheric cords, unresolved past life connections, and current energies holding you down or back and preventing you from knowing love, emotional and mental growth, and successfully progressing forward in life in a positive

Heal Money Blocks

2024-02-23T12:14:30+00:00Career & Money, Health & Wellbeing|

Heal Money Blocks - Healing Financial Blocks Remove your mental financial success blocks and learn how to heal money blocks by raising your wealth frequency with an energy healing. This healing healing for financial abundance will help you overcome money blocks (usually caused by your own fear) and attract more financial abundance. The

Shamanic Shadow Integration Work

2024-02-23T12:24:54+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Shamanic Shadow Integration Work (Shadow Self - Embracing Your Inner Darkness) Accepting your darkness will allow you to take responsibility for yourself, and once you truly acknowledge one of these dark traits instead of avoiding them, suddenly, they will stop having control over you. If you’re truly honest about self-exploration during your soul

Shamanic Energy Extractions

2024-03-15T18:37:39+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Shamanic Energy Extractions - Shamanic Entity Removal Shamanic Energy Extractions (Spiritual Intrusion Extraction) is the removal of that foreign (not-you) energy from your energetic field (aura) and energetic centers (chakras). Shamanic extraction is the removal of displaced energy, sometimes called intrusions. This is energy that does not belong in the body. If you

Shamanic Ancestral Healing

2024-02-23T12:24:15+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Ancestral Healing (Spiritual Ancestral Healing - Healing Ancestral Lineage - Shaman Healing Ancestral Karma) Break the cycle of  genetic pain and suffering and genetic baggage. Get help from an ancestral healing shaman, healing your ancestral patterns, generational trauma, and clearing & healing ancestral karma. Shamanic ancestral healing, spiritual ancestral healing. Shaman healing the lineage

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