Angels And Mediumship - Angel Communication - Ouija Board Dont's

Angels and Mediumship

Psychic mediums communicate with the spirit world. Angels and Mediumship have much to do with the functions of our every day lives. From psychic medium readings to angel communication, talking with departed pets in Spirit, and automatic writing (channeled writing or spirit writing), I have 35 years of professional experience communicating with deceased loved ones and pets as well as other Angels existing in your immediate environment.

“He will give His Angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways” -Psalm 91:11

I am certified as a Spirit Medium by the JVP (James Van Praagh) School of Mystical Art and am an authentic psychic medium and have the ability to speak to those that have passed over and can give you messages from deceased loved ones. I do this with the help of my spirit guides. Need to contact someone who has crossed over to make sure they are OK? Find closure and peace to reclaim your life with a psychic medium reading today.

Meet Your Angels – Angel Communication

I am a certified Advanced Angel Therapy Practitioner (AATP) and Angel Intuitive (AI) accredited by Doreen Virtue. If you seek life-changing insights from your Angels, you have to learn the art of angels and mediumship too. Just like with intuition, we all have Angel communication abilities we can further develop. Not trying to contact a loved one? Angels are God’s gift to you and they are our invisible companions. I can communicate with your assigned Angels & guides and help you learn who your Angels are in this lifetime and why.

Help With Spirit Communication

Have you ever thought that maybe your Angels is waiting for a sign from YOU?! It’s true! People often ask me why they aren’t getting more messages from the Other Side. Why isn’t your loved one in Spirit communicating more? How come you feel stuck after they crossed over? Why are you having difficulty sustaining your connection with them?

After all, aren’t your Angels always supposed to be here to guide you? YES! But you have to meet them halfway! Think about it. Wouldn’t you be frustrated if you were on the Other Side trying to communicate with someone who decided to quit learning or trying, and expected you to do everything?!

When we cultivate those abilities to our highest potential, the door to Spirit opens like never before. So, if you’re ready to finally create the spiritually-guided life you keep asking for, I strongly encourage you to TAKE ACTION and order a psychic medium reading or a deceased pet reading today.

Don’t mess with the Ouija Board – Ouija boards are not a joke

Never mess with a Ouija board (sometimes named Ouiji board), EVER! NEVER EVER. NO MATTER WHAT. Do not use Ouija boards. I cannot express this enough. Why shouldn’t you use a Ouija board? No, demons will not possess you if you use one. … BUT if you‘re thinking about grabbing a Ouija board for your next conversation with the other side, what or whom comes through may be extremely unpleasant and horribly frightening… check this out before you even consider it. Some folks consider it “playing with a with Ouija board” but make no mistake… there is no “PLAYING” with a Ouija board. Angels and mediumship readings are enough. Read about more Ouija Board Dont’s: 21 Ouija board rules everyone needs to know Before they start.