Bioresonance Healing Services

Bioresonance Energy Healing

Remote bioresonance energy healing (pathogen) protection will strengthen, energize, and rebuild your immune system. I will induce cellular detoxification and purification of your blood using distance Bioresonance energy healing, quantum energy frequencies, and scalar waves. Utilizing a recent photograph, I am able to remotely produce scalar healing frequencies to detox your body cells and blood, boost infection resistance and immunity, neutralize pathogens, and assist in healing severe acute respiratory syndrome.

Bioresonance healing services are focused on:

  • Full body cellular detoxification.

  • Release toxic materials from your body.

  • Recharge lymphatic system, liver, kidneys and other organs responsible for elimination.

  • Release toxicity from the blood.

Remote bioresonance energy healing

Bio resonance is all about subtle energy field of living and non-living things. This subtle energy field is known by different names in different parts of the world such as aura, chi, ki, prana, scalar energy, or L-Field. Since last 3000 years, eastern culture theorized that subtle energy field, also known as aura, penetrated every living and non living things. Modern science has comfortably established that all matter in this universe is composed of energy and it has its own vibrations. All matter of the universe is constantly exchanging vibration of different wavelengths. These vibrations affect us even though they may not be visible to our eyes and we may not be aware of their existence.

Latest discoveries in quantum physics have established that all particles of matter share the characteristics of both waves and particles. This means that all substances – and therefore all cells, parts of the body, as well as viruses, bacteria, pollen, toxins, etc. – emit electromagnetic waves. Depending upon their nature, all substances have a quite specific typical wavelength or frequency with highly individual characteristics. This is known as a frequency pattern. Often negative frequency patterns of viruses, bacteria, pollen, and toxins interfere with healthy frequency patterns of cells and other body parts resulting disturbances in general well-being, poor performance, chronic fatigue and later as organic changes plus related symptoms.

Bioresonance Therapy Alternative healing

2 hour per day session for 30 days, which is 249.99 per person

NOTE: This is preventative therapy (remedies) which will boost your immune system (cleansing both chakras and auras) daily— it is in no way a cure for any disease.

Remote bioresonance energy healing (2 hrs each day/30 days)

$24999per person

Remote bioresonance energy healing (2 hrs each day/30 days)

$49999Couple/2 People