Akashic Records Reading - Reading Akashic records - Akashic records reader

Akashic Records Reading

An Akashic records reading with me will immediately access your personal Akashic Record (or ‘soul book’) which contains not only information about the life you are currently leading, but also details about the lives you have lived in the past, what your intentions are for the future, and every alternative timeline, choice you’ve made, every path not taken, and every possible moment in between. Together with your questions and Akashic records reading information, I will sort through your records to find the answers you seek.

Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self …” Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1

Your Akashic record is a fascinating spiritual tool that can assist you in understanding specific life events, correcting self-destructive and self sabotaging repetitive patterns/behaviors that manifest in your life, how your past experiences and beliefs are affecting your life currently, and what you can do to make changes that will shift, unblock, and heal your Soul so that you can move forward positively and with self-confidence.

The Akashic records are a non-physical library of all thoughts, words, actions, and emotions that have ever occurred for you in the past, present, or future. They are accessible from a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane or akasha.

Order an Akashic records reading with me if:

  • You feel like there is and energy block or innate fear that prevents you from fully expressing yourself and your true nature to others

  • You’re experiencing an unhealthy pattern in your life (especially in relationships) and don’t understand why it keeps repeating in different areas of your life.

  • You sometimes feel like a wandering or lost Soul and have no idea which direction to take or what to do next in your life for your own highest good.

  • You feel stuck and feel as if a ‘cloud’ of negativity (negative energy) is hovering around you which is holding you back from moving forward with what you most desire in life.

  • You yearn for a deep sense of peace, calm, purpose, and a soulmate or kindred spirit connection in your life

  • You wish you had the confidence and clarity to follow your own intuition when it matters the most.

Akashic records reading and Déjà vu

You are constantly receiving messages guiding you to the life your soul incarnated here to live. These messages come to you through an energetic cord that connects to you from the realm of your Akashic record. From complicated life problems to normal every day issues, you can  use your Akashic records reading to elevate your consciousness and connect with your true nature and Highest Self.

Has it ever occurred to you that there is a ‘hidden meaning’ when you experience déjà vu? Or that your recurring dreams and nagging intuitive feelings must mean something? This is your Soul subconsciously attempting to access and align your Soul with it’s cord connection to your Akashic record – without even knowing it. Déjà vu is a also a direct energy  connection to your past lives.

Accessing your Akashic record means connecting with the full antiquity of your soul; your past lives and all of the experiences that come with it; the wisdom and gifts that lay dormant within you; as well as the the trauma, pain, and fears that you have stored. I will open your Akashic records and help you make sense of your past lives and experiences, and how to go forward living to express your highest Soul vibration.

Meet your Akashic record keepers

The primary reason for an Akashic Records reading is to achieve a conscious view of your Soul’s alignment where perceptions, awareness, and insights– that are not usually available–come naturally. The guides within your records (Akashic record keepers) are referred to as the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones whose assignment it is to support you all along your soul’s journey.

Unlike some readings (psychic, astrology, numerology, tarot), Akashic Records readings are not predictive. This is because time – as we understand it on earth – does not exist within the records. However, future potential will come to light during a reading. Important to remember is that your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones will not tell you what to do; instead, they will guide you on your path.

Akashic Record readings may address practical day-to-day concerns or more global topics. Common themes are relationships, money, health, career, creative expression, family of origin, your life path, or other similar questions we all have about life.

The Akashic Records are a universal etheric energy library that can be accessed through channeling and meditation. It’s a “Google search for your soul.” We all have a record unique to our personal soul journey, and having a professional read your Akashic record can provide you with wisdom and guidance from your Akashic record keepers.

Akashic records reader and intuitive empath

Most folks are so busy navigating the human condition that they forget that they are a Soul first. Your soul—the pure essence of your BEING—has often traveled through many lifetimes to create who you have become today. Both your trials and tribulations result from the unresolved karmic trail that you’ve left behind in EACH lifetime–including in this one. By learning more about your soul’s journey and your karmic debt, you can better understand, heal, and thrive in this lifetime.

Your aura or auric field also contains information about your life, such as your emotional and mental thoughts, beliefs, and memories. The Akashic Record is the energetic “diary” of your soul’s journey, from the time your soul originated from source until the time when you will eventually return home. Your “stops” along the journey—your past lifetimes—provide endless opportunities to learn and “perfect” your soul as you evolve beyond your daily challenges.

Whether you are a young new soul or ancient old soul, your Akashic Record holds the energetic blueprint of your thoughts, feelings, memories, actions, and deeds experienced in each lifetime. This accumulation of karmic energy creates the lessons and experiences necessary in each successive lifetime that assist in our evolution.

An Akashic records reader will assist you on your Soul healing journey in several ways. An Akashic records reading will help you to:

  • Identify your soul’s core characteristics from past lives that contribute to (and influence) your human personality and the choices that you have made in the past, and should make going forward

  • Better understand your pattern of interactions with others and clearly learn why the same patterns, situations, and challenges keep repeating themselves in your life

  • Explain troublesome or challenging circumstances by discovering current circumstances that are not in balance with your true nature, and then developing a solid strategy to empower your personal and spiritual growth

  • Recognize any blocks to achieving your goals and highest potential. Clearly see what is keeping you stuck and release blocks and limitations

  • Express your Divine nature to create more satisfaction and fulfillment in your life including allowing yourself to create new friendships and develop new and meaningful relationships in your life

  • Determine your life path and soul purpose. Understand yourself better and express more confidence

  • Deeply relate to your fears and define the root causes of fear-based reactions. Know, hear, and trust your intuition and allow it to lead you in a positive direction by making the choices that align with your soul.

Akashic records reader

I read Akashic records for women and men all over the world and teach them to love, accept, forgive, and trust themselves so deeply that negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and crippling fears no longer interfere with or block their goals, intentions, or achievements. I am a certified soul-realignment practitioner and Akashic records reader, which allows me to offer remote Akashic Records reading sessions.  I “remotely view’ the blueprint of your Soul to help you identify both your gifts to be nurtured and enjoyed in this lifetime, along with eliminating whatever blocks to your soul’s truth, preventing you from reaching your highest potential. You will learn to know and trust your intuition and allow it to lead you in the most positive directions that only align with your unique Soul.

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