Twin Flame Soulmate Readings - TwinFlame/Twin Ray Soulmates

Twin Flame Soulmate Readings

I specialize in twin flame soulmate readings, twin ray soulmates, uniting twin flames and re-uniting twin-flame and twin ray soulmates that have temporarily separated by free-will or by unforeseen life-circumstance.  My twin flame soulmate readings will reveal your twin flame soulmate love potential in this lifetime and help you distinguish the difference between a twinflame soulmate and a twinray soulmate, or a karmic partnership, guiding you toward the sacred twin soul connection that your heart was intended for.

Always remember that he appointed time of soul-mates meeting (or reuniting) is Spiritually directed from above, (divine timing) and not intended to be humanly orchestrated, manipulated, or controlled. Twin flame soulmates are partners who actually do their growth in the face of a challenge. Even if it’s not always “together” at first, for long, or at all.

Twin Flame Reading

Not only is it no accident that you are seeking out information on twin flame soulmates or twin souls at this time, it is no accident that you will find each other or already have. Twin Soulmate love is the longing for the half of ourselves we have lost. Twin Flame Soulmates enter our lives at precisely just the right moment – the moment when we are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared to meet them. Usually, right after we have ended or fully moved on from a karmic relationship with a karmic  partner.

If you feel a great need to connect with your Twin Flame, but you have no idea how to do this, then you have been intuitively guided to this page to learn how to recognize, deal with, and help evolve a twin flame soulmate into a long term relationship.

Everyone has a twin flame soulmate, in male or female form–and also out of form. Together you are one energy body, sharing one heart, one mind and one unique soul DNA signature. There is nothing separating you except frequency.

Your Twin Soul is also known as your Divine Complement and he or she can help you raise your vibration and frequency to help you make a deeper and clearer connection with your inherent divinity. The Twin Flame energy is a very powerful energy and is capable of bringing about great change on Earth.

Twin Flame vs Twin Ray Soulmates?

What are twin flames? Twin FLAME soulmates are two spiritual (human) beings that each have separate/individual but identical souls. Twin RAY soulmates are two (human) beings that share the energy of one soul, (split apart) much like identical twins.

There is a tremendous connection… even if you are on opposite sides of the world you can feel the energy of the other. Twin rays vs twin flames are BOTH quite powerful soul connections and can be amazing!

According to Plato’s “split-apart” theory, every human being is part of one soul that has been separated. The two halves will search tirelessly for one another in hopes of coming back together as a whole. So how can you be sure that you find your other half?

Finding your “twin flame” or “twin ray” soul mate is one of life’s greatest challenges and often needs deep insight and resolute courage to make decisions that take us far out of our natural comfort zones. Often, twin souls meet in this lifetime but recognize each other from past lives as well–which can be confusing.

What is a twin ray soul mate? 

To put it simply, Twin Flames are TWO separate souls mirroring each other (like fraternal twins) and Twin Rays are ONE Soul, divided into two, that creates two separate human individuals (like identical twins) but share the same soul.

Twin flame soulmate readings will offer you specific information and insight into what makes your twin flame/twin ray soulmate relationship unique and how to manifest a twinray/twinflame soulmate union into a physical and committed relationship. You’ll also learn that many theories that you’ve read about the twin flame soulmate relationship online (such as having just a single one) are INcorrect because of our many past lives.

Who in this lifetime is your Twin Flame Soulmate, Karmic Partner, Companion or Twin Ray Soul Mate? Have you met your Twinflame Soul mate already? Have you passed he or she by in the past? When will you meet yours? Order a soulmate reading below and find the answers now!

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