Grief and Loss Counselor - Grief and Loss Counseling - Help with Grief, Bereavement, Mourning

Grief and Loss Counseling

No one gets through life without profound and even devastating losses of friends, family and allies, as well as the loss of jobs, relationships and even communities. Grief and loss counseling provides key principles and practices for turning the heartbreaking stages of grief, bereavement, and mourning, into portals for spiritual awakening and transformation.

Loss encompasses much more than the death loss of a loved one. It can be the loss of a job, a love relationship or marriage, the loss of a dream or an idea of the future. Grief is the experience and expression of loss, and this looks different for every person. Often people feel unsupported in their grief process or don’t allow themselves to grieve at all. Lilly would be honored to work with you during your process to provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for you to process your loss and grieve in whatever way makes sense for you.

Grief and loss has powerful effects on your daily life and relationships. People often think the feelings and impact of grief and loss should diminish quickly, but often this is not the case. I will help you identify the effect grief and loss is having on you, work through reconciliation of the loss and grow through the experience. Although everybody goes through different experiences of grief, often called stages, you have your own individual experience of grief and need support and understanding to help you work through it.

“Move On” Mentality

And yet, we live in a culture in which grief is marginalized and pushed aside. Grieving people often feel abandoned and live out their pain in silent agony. Even our closest friends may feel uncomfortable around us and not know how to be helpful, as the process unfolds — often over many months and even years.

They might subtly encourage us to put aside our grief and move on long before we’re actually ready. The “move on” mentality can deprive us of a profound opportunity — not only of the natural journey of grief but of its ability to open us to more compassionate depth, Divine connection and understanding of its meaning. That’s not to minimize the loss itself, of a loved one, for example. But our grief can be a portal to a deeper, wiser and richer experience of life, when consciously engaged as a spiritual practice.

Connection with the Divine

If we don’t try to short-circuit the process by avoiding our feelings or acting in-authentically positive and allow ourselves to be completely real about where we are, the path of loss becomes a journey of redemption and healing.

In fact, each of the five traditional phases of grief, popularized by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, is a kind of mini-initiation. For example, feeling the burn of anger FULLY can eventually open us to our inner fire to create change and feel passion for life.

Ultimately, grief and loss offer us an alchemical journey in which the darkness and suffering we face can turn into the gold of a deeper life and connection to God. St. Teresa of Avila referred to her longing for Spirit as the “beautiful wound” at the core of life. Loss can sensitize us to this wound and open us to a profound and even mystical connection with the Divine.

But we need guidance and support to create an internal container in which the painful emotions can be metabolized and we can safely enter the heart of the fire to be reborn.

A Journey though grief

Some losses are especially hard to bear; they seem terribly unjust, like the sudden death of a child, a suicide, or the loss of one’s home to a fire. Working our way through tragic losses is an inevitable part of our human journey and can play a central role in our spiritual life, since grief often cracks us open spiritually in a way that nothing else can.

Spiritual grief and loss counselor Lilly is not only one of the foremost sought after intuitives and spiritual guides online, she has faced grief at a profound, soul-wrenching, personal level, including the sudden suicide of a loved one. For Lilly, the loss was both a crucifixion and a journey into deeper spiritual realization.

She has walked through the full journey of grief and knows intimately its true, alchemical potential. In this profound one hour reading, specially tailored to people who have suffered a loss and are on the journey of grief, Lilly will show you how to:

  • Create a sacred space and enter naked into the luminous fire available to you when your world has been shattered.

  • Approach the five stages of grief through spiritual initiations, giving yourself the time you need in each stage and circling back as required

  • Re-frame “denial” as a state of grace and engage your anger as a spiritual warrior

  • Cultivate compassion for yourself even as you replay the story of what happened again and again

  • Stop trying to fix your broken heart and instead let yourself reside and rest in the mystery

  • Accept “what is” without minimizing your loss

Grief Counseling Services

Lilly will offer you a powerful reclamation of the path of grief as a way to harvest the “soul lessons” loss unearths, that enable you to live your life more deeply. Join her for a profound, tender and sacred hour designed to help you navigate the phases of grief with more grace. Grief and loss counseling sessions are delivered via phone, online chat or email, your preference.

60 Minute Grief and Loss Consultation
