Karmic Relationship Reading

Karmic Relationship Reading - What is a karmic relationship?

Karmic Relationship Reading

A karmic relationship reading will let you know, definitively, whether or not you are engaged in one. What is a karmic relationship? Karmic relationships are love and life lessons that you *must* experience, in order for you to learn something important about yourself –so that you can advance to a ‘higher level’ soulmate relationship in the future such as a twin flame or twin ray soulmate.

By understanding your past life history together with karmic soulmates, a karmic soulmate reading will offer you a much deeper insight into the governing forces of your present relationship. This insight will provide you with the personal transformational tools that you need to create a loving expression of support towards one another as you walk forward in this life together or walk away, individually.

When there is karma in a relationship you may feel that rush of adrenaline when you are together; those feelings that ‘this is just meant to be’, and that this person has touched your very soul of your being. When it comes to karmic relationships, you might assume that you’ve just found your companion or twin flame soulmate. But actually, you’re in a karmic relationship instead.

Karmic relationships manifest into your life at the perfect time to show you how to grow. They are not meant to be permanent, and most often, they will not be. Karmic relationships (or karmic soulmates) usually last from three to seven years. At the end of that cycle, karmic relationships often end but the love for one another usually does not. Moving on from of a karmic relationship when two people are still in love can be both difficult and traumatic.

Additionally, a karmic soulmate isn’t exclusive to a romantic partner. You can also experience this type of connection within your family members, with a friend, a coworker, or simply a brief encounter.

What is a karmic relationship?

Learn how to identify a karmic relationship when you are  involved in one. A karmic relationship is a relationship meant to facilitate the lessons that you need to learn in this lifetime pertaining to unconditional love and partnership. A karmic relationship is a form of karmic soulmate relationship, because it is a connection between two souls, although it is extremely different from twin flames or soulmates, which are healing in nature.

More likely than not, you’ll have one or two (possibly more!) of these karmic relationships in your lifetime. Karma in relationships produces the type of love that pushes your all of your ‘buttons’—which encourages you to grow. Sadly, these karmic relationship issues aren’t ever simple or easy.

From a spiritual perspective, the purpose behind karmic relationships is that you both made an agreement before your souls entered this lifetime, to help each other learn and grow on your respective paths. There are numerous unresolved issues from past lives. When people open to learning rather than try to control one another, then much more meaningful personal healing can occur.

In this way, karmic relationships are like guides or teachers. And almost always, they are temporary. They’re meant to help you grow at soul level in difficult push-pull ways. They are not intended to last forever. This is because you are coming together in this life to clear unresolved karma between each other. It’s often a balancing out of a bad experience from a past life. Undoing bad karma is never easy.

How to identify a karmic relationship

A karmic relationship is one that’s filled with all-consuming passion but is extremely difficult to maintain. If you’ve ever experienced a bond that feels like a magnetic connection, but with a turbulent twist, this is a karmic relationship. Karmic soulmate relationships are filled with passion and pain, often at the same time.

Signs you’re in a karmic relationship

Identifying a karmic relationship is tricky, especially when you’re caught up in one. Besides the characteristics described above, there are some karmic relationships signs and red flags that may indicate you’re experiencing a karmic soulmate connection:

  • There’s an instant connection

    There is usually an instant connection that is felt at the beginning of karmic relationship, and for some inexplicable reason, you feel magnetically drawn to the karmic soulmate and feel like you can’t live without them. You also feel destined to be with the them and can’t understand why it’s not working out because this person feels perfect for you. This makes it very difficult to see your karmic partner’s flaws. The most obvious sign is that you feel that you’ve known the person before. This is because you have shared a karmic past life together, and have known them before. Sometimes you get a very good feeling about this, but sometimes there is some fear attached, depending upon what kinds of karma is there to be healed from that shared past life.

  • Roller coaster of emotions

    One of the most common signs of a karmic soulmate relationship is the roller coaster of emotions that you will experience. This manifests as a pattern of happiness one day; misery, sadness, or frustration the next. If you’re in a karmic tie, it often feels like any minor argument or bump in the road is the end of the world. All relationships have their ups and downs, however in a karmic relationship, rough patches feel like a constant and pervasive weight on your chest. All the ups and downs, miscommunications, and codependency, becomes energetically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting, especially in their presence.

  • Resembles a codependent relationship

    Karmic relationships often mirror codependent relationships because they create dependency, which ends up consuming most all of your thoughts and feelings. You might also feel “addicted” or “dependent” upon the relationship, which makes it very difficult for you or your karmic partner to end the relationship. Even with ‘red flags’ everywhere, you can’t resist remaining in the relationship. Karmic relationships can also become a codependent relationship very quickly and will become all-consuming, despite serious issues such as incomprehensible tension, anger or frustration.

  • One-sided relationship

    Karmic relationships are often toxic and mostly one-sided. This can lead to one karmic partner being self-serving and the other doing everything in their power to keep them happy. You may make excuses for your karmic soulmate because your connection is so strong and you feel like you’re ‘meant to be’.

  • Too much drama in the relationship

    Karma in relationships causes non-stop drama. These karmic relationships are tumultuous. If drama is the foundation for your love affair, chances are you’re in a karmic relationship.

  • Events and emotions feel ‘off’ early on

    You notice several red flags, uncomfortable situations, and bad behaviors from the very beginning of the relationship. Sometimes these ‘triggering’ events and situations uncover the very lessons the relationship has manifested into your life to teach you.

  • They cause you constant frustration

    If you feel frustrated and misunderstood, you are most likely in a karmic relationship. This is because karmic relationships aren’t about a perfect soulmate union. Karmic relationships are about growth only.

  • They are unpleasant to be around

    For whatever reason, and it may be a feeling you can’t quite place, you find the presence of your karmic soulmate to be heavy and acrimonious. Despite the unpleasant company, you don’t want to let go.

  • There is an over abundance of miscommunication

    Usually, there is a lot of push and pull and miscommunication. These miscommunications can help show you what you must value and expect in a relationship or where personal healing needs to take place.

  • Too many highs and lows

    There never seems to be any balance in the relationship and the highs and lows tend to repeat themselves, over and over. Things are never quite consistent, and while there are good days (even wonderful) where everything seems perfect, your intuition knows that it’s only a matter of time before things go south. Similarly, you may run into the same issues that carried over from a past relationship, indicating a lesson that STILL needs learning.

  • The relationship shines a light on your fears

    A karmic soulmate will emphasize all of your fears and bring them to you emotional surface; fears about love, your future, and your relationship. Any past traumas and baggage that you still carry will be brought to light—there’s no escaping it.

  • They bring out the worst in you

    The extreme nature of a karmic relationship roller coaster can bring out the worst in even the most level-headed of people. You may turn into someone you don’t recognize, or even like, around a karmic partner.

  • Fearful of how it’ll end

    Sometimes it’s easier to deal with an unhealthy relationship than face what may happen once it’s over. Someone in a karmic relationship is often fearful of what will happen or who they’ll turn into once it ends.

Karmic Love Relationships

These relationships aren’t meant to last, but they’re learning experiences for those who have them. While a “karmic love relationship” can have a negative connotation, it can also be viewed from the perspective of personal growth. These karmic love relationships are opportunities to learn something about yourself that you never knew before, as well as the most significant life lessons in love.

How Karmic relationships manifest

There’s a good chance you’ll be in the thick of the relationship before you even realize that you are in a karmic relationship. With its pattern of breakups and reunions, it’s a relationship that both partners seem unable to resist the karmic ties. It grips both partners tightly, and despite the damage done to both, they don’t seem to be able to let go of each other, even though everybody around them is telling them to end it.

Purpose of a karmic relationship

The purpose of a karmic relationship with a karmic soulmate is twofold: to break the cycles of bad behavior from past lifetimes and to learn how to heal from them. The purpose of karmic relationships is to learn and grow. Karmic relationships are agreements between two spirits to help the other grow before incarnating on Earth, with the sole purpose of learning something we weren’t able to in a previous lifetime.

With that in mind, karmic relationships are very different from other intense relationships, such as one with a twin flame soulmate. People often confuse karmic partners with twin flame soulmates, and they aren’t the same. Karmic relationship vs twin flame relationships: Karmic relationships teach you about the world and others, whereas your twin flame and twin ray soulmates help you learn about yourself and your self-worth.

You feel good, balanced, and happy in a twin soulmate relationship. But in a karmic relationship, you’ll always feel like something is just not right. The purpose of a karmic relationship is to advance the soul forward in this lifetime.

The most important thing to know about karmic relationships is that you (your soul) has chosen to learn this lesson for its advancement toward knowing, enlightenment, and understanding. Although the lesson you learn in your karmic relationship may be difficult, and it may cause you great pain in the short-term, it develops your soul and moves you toward greater peace.

But you must also remember that your soul provides karmic experiences for others that you may be unaware of, and sometimes you receive the souls lessons, and sometimes you deliver the soul lesson.

Moving on from of a karmic relationship

How to walk away from a karmic relationship. Moving on and letting go of Karmic relationships can be difficult. Walking away from any unhealthy relationship can be difficult. Especially if you’re leaving because the partnership is abusive, codependent, or just isn’t serving your highest good anymore. And ending a relationship, especially a karmic one, is never easy. Significant emotional strength is required to move on from a karmic relationship due to the intense connection that exists via the victim/victimizer and codependent dynamic.

Even though such cycles are destructive, the karmic partners feel comfortable due to most likely being raised in childhood (in this lifetime) with a distorted view of what love and self-worth are supposed to be. Because of this, support is a vital factor in making the transition and moving on from a karmic relationship.

The best way to move on from karmic relationships is to ultimately recognize and learn the lessons you were intended to, from them. Focus on you, your self-worth, and your self-respect. If your relationship doesn’t seem to flourish without you at your best self, you should reconsider it’s worth to you. Remember, these relationships are inherent of karmic conflict, and will most likely end in conflict. These relationships can be toxic and unhealthy.

Allow yourself time to be alone and grow from the experience. If you rush too quickly into another romance, you’ll likely fall into the same karmic patterns. When you cut the relationship cord and learn your lesson, you break free from the karmic bond forever.

The good news is… you’ve already experienced the hardships of the relationship and now it’s time to learn from your mistakes. Try come from a place of anger or blame when you move on, but instead, take full responsibility for your actions and your role in the relationship in order to to restore balance in your life.

Karmic Relationship Reading

Need extra help and support?  A karmic relationship reading will offer you love, guidance, support, about how to begin your healing process from the true core of your being, how to move on from a karmic relationship a manageable and conscious way, and how to find the joy and satisfaction you are seeking out of life.

As you heal your soul, the tension, frustration, sadness, and energy bound up from your past wounds heal, and self-love becomes available to you again. You will become more available for joy, love, creativity, and your true life’s purpose. Karmic relationship readings will support you in finding the truest expression of yourself, because your karmic relationships can often cloud your perception of Self and your true nature–who you truly are.

Whether it’s a romantic relationship or a relationship with a friend or family member, experiencing a karmic connection with another person is something you’ll never forget. In fact, the lessons you learn from these passionate yet volatile karmic relationships are what helps motivate you to move forward as you meet new soulmates and enter into new and healthier partnerships.

That said, if you’re being mistreated, or you’re unsure of how to escape an unhealthy or codependent relationship, it’s critical that you reach out and ask for help. To clearly understand whether or not you are in a karmic relationship and what you can do to walk away from one (or if you should), order a reading today. I can help.

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