Psychic Readings for Indigo Children - Indigo Child Readings

Indigo Child Readings

“How do I know if my child is an indigo child, crystal child or starseed?” The answer is simple. A psychic reading for indigo children will tell you. Indigo child readings will let you know if your child carries the traits of other ancestral Indigo children in your family and/or has heightened awareness’s and metaphysical/psychic abilities as well.

Indigo children come to Earth, bringing with them, Universal wisdom, Divine knowledge, of what is to come, and they hold a clear vision of peace, harmony, perfection and unity for this world.

Indigo Child Signs

The Indigo Children have a warrior nature, a ‘rebel with a cause’ personality with absolutely no guilt. They are often labelled as hyperactive or aggressive, but this is their purpose. They are here to break down old and outmoded systems – legal, educational, medical, you name it, these kids are here to force honesty and integrity on a global level.

Telepathy and other psychic abilities are rife among the Indigo’s, which is leading us into a telepathic society. A society that must be based on the ‘indigo’ principles for it to function. Telepathy cannot work if dishonesty and deceit are present.

We must remember that Indigo’s have been coming in for about 25 years now, so it won’t be long before they get into positions of power to enable the changes they are destined for. They are natural leaders, hacking away the old and leaving an open path for the new children.

The Indigo’s are frequently mis-diagnosed with Autism (autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Asperger’s syndrome, Attention Deficit disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is because of their warrior nature. Parents can’t handle this intense energy and think the only way to calm them down is to numb them with powerful pharmaceutical psycho-stimulant drugs.

Ritalin is an example of such a drug that has been known to cause severe side effects that have lasted for years. Teachers in America even recommend that parents give Ritalin to their children. These Children have right and left brain alignment, something people on the spiritual path strive for throughout our lifetime. In reality, simple Reiki for Indigo kids will do just as well, with better, more healthy results.

They are also very sensitive, have psychic abilities and possess incredible wisdom, as though they are old souls in young bodies. Evidence for the reincarnation process is becoming a reality as more and more of these children remember their past lives. Some remember all of their past lives.

Indigo Children are compassionate and highly intelligent folks. This list will help you answer the question, am I or do I have an Indigo child? Take a breath, and see if any of these resonate with your soul:

  • Creative – Indigos may choose careers like writing, painting, sculpting, designing, (and even blogging!) that allow them to have creative outlets.

  • Curious – Indigo Children are also very inquisitive, curious and perhaps even cautious. It is common for Indigo Children to learn the “why” of what they have been asked to do. Learning the “why” of things is very important.

  • Empathic – In addition to creativity and curiosity, Indigo Children have empathic dispositions. Because of their sensitivity, they can have deep connections with people and animals. On the other hand, violence and things like watching the news can be hard for these souls.

  • May Have Rebelled in School – Leading edge thinkers who have an aversion to pointless, repetitious (school) work. May have rebelled in school due to restlessness or boredom. Or, due to parental lockdown, didn’t rebel but felt restless. Adult Indigos typically dislike hierarchical systems and embrace self-reliance.

  • Sense of Equality – One of the most beautiful qualities of Indigos is that they accept people for who they are. They believe in equal treatment for all. It’s not uncommon to see them as advocates for groups that struggle with full acceptance into society, such as the LGBT communities.

  • Leaders – Indigo Children show a willingness to be leaders. They aren’t afraid to be trailblazers. Many maintain a positive voice and provide support to their fellow Lightworkers.

  • Problem Solvers – Because they are intellectuals, they enjoy problem solving. They take an interest in the evolution of social systems like political, medical, educational and legal models. They are not of the “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” mind set at all! They deem it their responsibility to change things for the better, for everyone.

  • May Suffer from Anxiety – Many of these sensitive souls suffer from anxiety. Avoiding coffee, energy drinks, etc. is a good idea, so they don’t upset their already “hyper” neurological systems. Because they are sensitive to the vibrations around them, they can easily get over-stimulated, and therefore, often have issues dealing with anxiety throughout their lives.

  • Psychic Interests – Develop interest in psychic or spiritual study at a young age; feel they have a connection to something bigger than themselves.

  • Have Intuitive/Psychic Gifts – One tell-tale sign that you are an Indigo Child is a strong intuition. You may even know things about people before you meet them and have a strong sense of “knowing” about people and situations, or be able to see their aura. You may have experienced premonitions or be able to communicate with Spirit.

  • Focus – Highly intelligent and can process information quickly, but may feel like their mind is “all over the place”. Can get bored if things don’t happen quickly enough and become frustrated when others can’t “keep up”.

  • Eat Healthy Foods – Mindful of what they put in their bodies. Some choose to live Vegan lifestyles, while others select organic foods, etc.

  • Electrical Sensitivity or Telekinetic – If you have an affinity for short circuiting mechanical or digital devices, you might be an Indigo Child. Many have electrical sensitivity and can burst light bulbs when they are upset, have to frequently replace cell phones and other electronics and can’t wear watches, among other things.

  • Greatness – And like many people who desire self-actualization and fulfillment, Indigo Children fervently seek meaning in life. Remember, they are “why” seekers. They are destined for great things when they stay vigilant with their search for purpose.

Psychic Readings for Indigo Children

There is no pretense with an Indigo. Indigos are hyper-sensitive to the environment. They absorb emotional, physical and psychological information at a rapid pace–and negative energy can get ‘jammed up’ in their energy fields, both Auras & Chakras that need clearing. As a result, indigo children can exhausted or agitated from any over-stimulation experienced in a daily basis.

Other characteristics of the indigo child include that they:

  • Are empathetic, curious, and strong-willed

  • Are often perceived by friends and family as being strange

  • Come into the world with a feeling of royalty

  • Possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose

  • Simply will not do certain things and get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented

  • Show a strong innate subconscious spirituality from early childhood (although this does not necessarily imply a direct interest in spiritual or religious areas)

  • Have a strong feeling of entitlement, or deserving to be here

The related concept of “crystal children” has been linked to the autistic spectrum. It is my belief that indigo children may function poorly in conventional schools due to their rejection of rigid authority, because sometimes their Souls are smarter and more spiritually mature than their teachers. They can also demonstrate a lack of response to guilt, fear, or manipulation-based discipline.

Do you think that you have an indigo child who has special needs? Do you think you might be an indigo child and have never known? Order an indigo child reading below and find out, without a doubt.

Detailed Indigo Child Reading by Email
