Full moon/Supermoon 9th March 2020

 Full moon/Supermoon 9th March 2020

🌕 Happy Full Moon 🌕 Full moon/Supermoon 9th March 2020 – coming home to your fullest self! The transformative process which we are all experiencing as a result of a mass awakening or evolution in human awareness, is asking us to look at the vision we hold of ourselves.

So much of what happens as we grow up in a family, society or relationship where we are not seen, or where we are conditioned to behave in a certain way, actually takes us away from our truth. It paints a picture of what we “should” be, or what we feel “we are not” or “cannot be”. Who are we comparing ourselves to anyway?

This journey. This awakening, has nothing to do with following something outside of yourself but has everything to do with you working with, and beginning to understand, that you are a spiritual being first and foremost. You are energy. You have a higher consciousness, a higher mind if you will, which can and does create your life and the circumstances around it.

This full moon is asking you to acknowledge that higher aspect of yourself. It is asking you to use your soul, your spirit, to illuminate the aspects of yourself which have been hidden, or suppressed. To illuminate the greater self, to shine a light on all that you believe to be wrong within you, or that you perceive to be a fault, and just allow in the truth of who you are. And note, I said “allow” – it is a gentle accepting flow of love, and is nothing forced.

You are a divine spark of creative force, guided by a higher knowledge, presence and awareness that wants all that is good for you. As you stare at the moon later today. As you look in awe at one of the Universe’s creations, take a moment to acknowledge the wonder that you ARE. Take a moment to stand and feel the beat of your heart, the sound of your breath and the beautiful and wise presence that is your divine self.

Much love and blessings to all of the magnificent beings that interact with me! I SEE you all, Lilly ❤️🌕