…we dispose of our fleeting desires and trends the way we dispose of the wrappers of the cheeseburgers we inhale, of the poisons we call entertainment, of the way we’ve hobbled the glorious machinery of our bodies before glowing LCD altars and have long-since forgotten that we were once at one with the natural world (nature) before we snapped every last one of its immaculate curves and remade them into straight lines that we don’t even realize are cutting the tendons we use to hold onto them.

We chase after fancy, gaudy, nothings; after personalized license plates, and if you actually sit down and think about that for a second, about why on earth we need personalized license plates?

…if you go outside and walk down the street and just stop taking it all as a given for a minute..

..and look at how many billboards are screaming in your face about stuff you should never have to care about, about the way television advertisements are allowed to be louder than the programs they interrupt so they change the frequencies to make them more invasive, and that’s more invasive into your life and your world that should be busily being shaped by your two hands, you should stop seeing anything and start seeing red.

Me? I say to hell(o) with all that. To spending your life ticking the same boxes everyone around you is trying to tick, all the while looking over your shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of why anyone’s ticking them at all.

I will spend the sum of my days delving inward, and you won’t remember me for what I was wearing, what I was drinking, what I was saying to simply be agreed with, what car I drove, what parties I went to, or who I loved or who loved me.

All you’ll see will be thousands upon thousands of posts of what I bring back from the depths if I can. And I will call that a life well spent because it’ll be on my terms and no one else’s, no way, not now, not ever.